Episode 3

Published on:

6th Feb 2024

Episode 3 - Insights From Katie Fawkes

In this episode, we talk with content creator, podcast host, and Ecamm director of marketing, Katie Fawkes.

📹 Katie's VHS Club Podcast: https://www.thevhsclubpod.com/

Get ready to dive into the ultimate weekly live stream party with Lisa, Mark, and Neil! It's super laid-back, and they're all about bringing creative minds together for an hour of amplifying the Ecamm Fam's talents! 🎉🎨🚀

🤝 Get involved and be a guest on our show! https://creative-amplifiers.captivate.fm/booking

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Welcome to Creative Amplifiers. It's a show that celebrates all of the Ecamm content creators, and you get to hear their stories, their insights, their tips, and maybe a few fun facts about them. And if this show looks a little bit different, if you've been watching it.

I'm all alone. Well, these two fellows are in Portugal having a grand time by your Instagram. Well, you know, I was feeling a bit lonely. It seems a long way away, Portugal. So I decided I'd come and keep in company for two or three days and technically we're working. So I thought it'd be a good idea to little home from home from home, little trip over to a stream together and get the party started in real life.

Exactly. And using the power of Ecamm, we're able to do that and we're going to mix it up a little bit by showing you how we're splitting our cameras and things, but so much fun. So yeah, it's very nice to have you here today. Last night as well. I'm getting tearful already. I'm welling up. So let's not, let's not go like that.

you're having fun on the, on [:

I might need a rowboat. Um, I'm out in the, I'm in the desert right now near Palm Springs, but my I live in LA and that is a hot mess right now, but I'm safe. I'm with my guys. We're having fun and we have today, who do we have on the show today? We all know, we know who we have. We have the most wonderful Katie Fox here today and she is, as you know, head of marketing from Ecamm and let's just bring Katie on because I have a lot of questions to ask her and will do.

i everyone. How are you? I'm [:

So we have a comment already, so we would just like to say, uh, hello to, Oh, Marcus is so tiny. There you go. It keeps changing. Sorry about that. There you go. Hey Marcus. Thank you for joining us today for the people like, I'm so happy you're here, Katie. Look, I'm happy to be here too. Excellent. Awesome. So Katie, we're going to just jump right in there.

ucator, I don't know how you [:

You know, in marketing and doing what you do now. Oh my goodness. How did I end up in marketing? It's a great question. How did I end up here? Um, I actually went through school for English literature and ancient history of all things. And I fancied myself to be eventually in the world of publishing and writing.

That was where I wanted to end up. And, um, and I worked in publishing for quite a while and I ended up moving from the editorial side of things over to the marketing side of things and got, uh, a lot of opportunities in the copywriting and blogging spaces. And then this little thing called social media started taking off.

marketing space. And I ended [:

And they were looking for someone to help out with marketings. And I was lucky enough to be there and to be able to help them and get introduced to the world of Ecamm. And now I've been with the team for just over four years, I think at this point. So it's been a really fun ride. That's, it's amazing. And we had the.

It's a pleasure being out there. And he was very to be there for creator camp and see, see the inner workings of ecamp. That was, that was fun. Wasn't it guys? Oh, definitely. And the, the code space as well that, um, it was Ken who set it up, right. You mentioned, yeah. That was, that was awesome to see that and just to be in, in that side.

Yeah. A lot of them. Um, You [:

Uh, I don't know, I think the classes are like somewhere between eight and ten kids and there's a number of different classes from like Lego robotics to various types of coding to, there's a new Girls Who Code program that runs, um, and then a robotics, a bunch of different robotics groups. So, yeah, lots, lots and lots of kids of all ages from.

Elementary all the way up through to high school. Cool. That's very cool. Very, very cool. Yeah. So I would love to know because now you are, you are a podcaster, two podcasts. Yeah. I'm trying to get one podcast going is a lot. Uh, give you a talk of it a little bit. I know one is for, you know, Ecamm is The Flow, which is a fantastic show.

have the VHS. club podcast, [:

Oh my gosh. Yeah. So, uh, so if you haven't yet heard, so we've been doing the flow video podcast, um, for the last year and a half, which has been just such an awesome journey and it, uh, it started mostly to doc. So to, to doc rocks credit, he was, you know, major in helping us, uh, get that off the ground and running.

touch with, um, with all of [:

So it gives us a lot of. I think a lot of room to be able to, you know, network with all kinds of podcasters and bring some really great experts on to be able to answer questions and, uh, and also to push all the buttons and test and practice stuff ourselves. So it was a, it's been a great and incredible learning experience for me.

I had never. done podcasting. I had certainly listened to tons of, tons of podcasts and I had been taking copious notes from, from all of our, uh, podcasting experts and partners and certainly from doc. So it was great. Initially, initially the premise was like, well, Doc knows. Everything about podcasting and I know nothing so I can be, I can be the voice of the, uh, of our viewers to say like, I'm going to ask all of the questions and, and we'll bring on all the experts and we'll pick Doc's brain every single week and so I, I hope that everyone's learned a lot from it.

ust. Talking through all the [:

So, um, maybe talk a little bit about that and how you, you know, stayed flexible and Yeah. So, um, so that show, which is a movie review podcast that we do on YouTube every week was really spun out of the idea that, uh, we were spending every Thursday night, uh, we used to jokingly refer to it as BFF night. So we had it like blocked off on the calendar and we would watch movies together and [00:09:00] we would chat and just spend time together.

Uh, Nat lives in Montreal and I'm in the Boston area, so we just, you know, we used to live literally across the street from each other for years and years and years. So it was kind of our, our virtual across the street time where we could digitally run back and forth towards each other and be able to just spend time together.

And the more that we, you know, the more that we were spending that time together, the more that we were like, Oh, it'd be really fun to do like, to do a show and to, you know, bring other people into the conversation about these, um, these classic movies that are so, like, part of our childhood, part of our, you know, overall experience.

Um, and initially we were like, oh, well, the show could be this, this concept where we could play, um, we could roll the trailers for these movies, and then we could talk about whether or not the actual movie you know, was exactly like the trailer. Like, did the trailer do a good enough job in describing or showing off the movie?

we didn't end up doing that [:

Uh, and then we review it and we review it with a amount of potatoes instead of stars, which was our own silly, silly way to approach it. So it's become a, it's become a lot of fun and it, it's a great way to just spend some time together and, um, and hear what, yeah, and get to spend time with other people who we, you know, getting to know better as they show up in the chat and contribute their own facts and thoughts and memories on the movies.

us, like, because you have a [:

Oh my gosh. It's actually way less than that. It's way less time than it probably seems. So, um, so obviously there's, you know, there's a couple of hours of watching the movie itself where I'm usually, you know, taking notes. Nat, Nat takes like detailed notes throughout the movie. She's constantly like, um, jotting down these like stream of conscious notes that, that we laugh about later.

I take some notes and then I'm normally doing research at the same time. So, you know, diving into like, The, you know, stories behind the, how the movies were made and interesting facts and things along the way that we can share in the episode. And I usually do it, honestly, the day before or even the day of the episode.

n if I was looking at like a [:

Um, so there's a couple hours there because of Ecamm, it's really, really easy for me to actually set up the show itself. So the like. The, like, production time to build out each show is maybe 10 minutes because it's literally just swapping out, um, we usually put like a, the cover of the VHS cover of the movie we're reviewing.

But other than that, it's the same, you know, it's the same overall designs and graphics, uh, that go into each scene. So we have, you know, our countdown timer and then the two of us on screen. And then we have, um, our potato rating. So we put that up on screen. So I could, I literally just drag and drop, you know, the amount of potatoes up on screen.

And then, and then a final scene, which is the same every single week. So the actual, the actual changing of that or editing of that is pretty minimal week over week, uh, which just makes it super easy. So, I mean, there've been times where I've completely forgotten and have set it up in the, you know, 10 minute tech check before we go live.

So [:

And Mark, you, you said it more eloquently than I'm saying it, the question you had. Well, it was just the fact that obviously there you are in the cam offices, you've got. All the gear and, um, and it's obviously looks amazing and we know that's the case. Um, but then for those people who were kind of at home as well, um, you know, different cameras, different lighting, different microphones, you want it to look a certain way you want it to be.

light follow up to that too, [:

Um, okay. So you're on, on spaces. It's taken me a long time to get to that point. So thank you for the kind words there when I'm here in this space. It definitely feels like a little bit more formal when I, you know, when I'm even when I'm calling into meetings with those people are always like, Whoa, how are you doing that?

And a lot of it is, like you said, it's just, you know, really great equipment matched with really great software. Um, when I'm at home, I have a shared a shared office space. So I share that room with my husband who works, um, at home often as well. And then my daughter, it's like also my daughter's craft room.

, I'm setting up for a show. [:

We do like a quick tech check before we go live or we record an episode. And so I need to be able to just, you know, turn things on really quickly and easily. So I, I have literally I use for the most part, either my phone as a camera using an app called Camo, which makes it super easy. Um, or sometimes I'm using, um, these days I really have been loving my, uh, OpsBot Tiny 2, which is like a tiny PTZ camera.

But again, it's like super small. It's literally called the tiny, it's like this big. And so it, it attaches by magnet, um, to the top of my computer. So it means that I literally can just like open my laptop. I have the, I have an MV7, a Shure MV7 microphone that plugs in by USB. And, uh, and a camera and so it doesn't take up a ton of space and, but I still get pretty professional looking results and, you know, and I can make this space work.

lse works pretty easily. Um. [:

Oh, right. Work versus The flow is a professional feel, as it were, and a personal one. Because I know for lots of us, sometimes a podcast and a live stream might be a passion project rather than a professional one as well. And sort of having, sort of, your ability to do both at the same time. I'm sort of curious if they have a different feel for you.

Um, I don't know if they do, to be honest, I, I feel like I'm lucky enough that I have a lot of fun on both of them. Um, and there isn't a lot of overlap. So shout out, you know, I see, um, I see Dan hanging out here in the chat today. Dan is, is often, um, if not always on, on my personal podcast as well in the, in the live studio audience, which makes it really fun to kind of see the familiar faces back and forth.

now I, um, I think it's just [:

I am trying to keep at the back of my mind, remembering that people who are tuning into this, you know, they, they probably have a little bit less time to spend. They really need to get the, you know, the impact and the value out of the content that we're providing. So sometimes and. you know, and Doc and I are both really chatty.

So sometimes I have to remind myself or think at the back of my head, like, okay, let's make sure that we are hitting the main points we need to hit so that people who are watching this now or listening to it later really get the value out of it that they need. And that the guests that we're bringing on and the content that we're focusing on is, you know, as applicable and helpful as possible.

Um, but I think that's probably more the planning than the actual production side of it. It's just really making sure we're. We're on target and on topic for that, whereas with the movie reviews, we can literally pick the movie, like, while we're chatting at the end of the episode, we're like, okay, what are we going to watch next?


Her video quality often looks significantly better than mine, which is, drives me crazy sometimes. And she's using like. She has an even smaller, uh, shoot, I can't remember the name of it. I think it's like an M5. She's got a smaller Shure microphone, which is much cheaper than my MV7. And she sounds great.

ike, I'm not a video person. [:

So I think a lot of it has to do with lighting. She's just really good at figuring out exactly where, where light is and making sure everything looks much better. I think it's just testament though, to the, as you said, the great software and just having, um, like a run of show and just having a plan about what you want to do, because you don't have to have the best equipment, the best microphones, anything to, to pull off a show that's popular, that's informative and fun.

And you guys are clearly, when we watch you having so much fun and that, that's the main part of it. If you, if that comes across well on the video, then. Then you're doing the right thing. I did have a follow up question about the VHS club as well. Do you have, and it's a difficult question because you've watched so many films now, but you're not going to ask.

, you know, stands up today. [:

I'm amazed at how many I still have memorized that, that has been shocking to me. Wow. Um, it was FI think it was true lies we watched and I, I had totally thought that I had seen it and then and then watching it. I was like, oh, I never watched this. This is my first time watching it. So it. Um, there's been some like fun, fun moments like that, but, uh, no, I, yeah, I really struggle with that question because I feel like there's so, they each are like a favorite quote unquote for a different reason.

Like I love them for various different specific reasons. So I probably have like a top five or a top 10, but definitely not a top one. Not one. Um, and could we just share with the people here your, um, new website? That you've just created. If you want to just talk to people through that real quick, if I can just make sure I know which one it is.

refreshed update of the VHS. [:

And actually someone in the end, forgive me, I can't even remember who it was, but one of the EPM members suggested podpage. com as a website tool for podcast websites. And so I, I was like, Oh, I'll check it out. And it was so. Easy to set everything up and had like all of the features that I was looking for.

ebsite tool. Podpage. com is [:

It's cool. Yeah. And it looks really professional and it's a great landing page to let people sort of go to you and stuff and yeah, it looks really good. Thanks. Yeah. Yeah. It was a lot of fun. Very nice. So Kitty, with all your experience in video podcasting, if someone's just starting out, what, here I go with my three pieces of advice again.

Yeah. No. I love it. Three pieces of advice that you give to someone starting out in this. Oh my gosh. Well, uh, have a really solid plan. It doesn't have to be a detailed plan, but you need to know. you know, you need to know what you want to do and how you want to do it. Uh, just start, stop overthinking it to death.

orcing myself to do it live. [:

So it's, I, you know, and because I've done it in this format, both, for both shows, it just means that, you know, I, I need to show up. I can't say, you know, that I, I, oh, oh shoot, like, you know, I'm not feeling the recording tonight. Or, you know, I, I don't wanna do, like, let's, let's put it off to later. Let's bin, you know, let's, uh, bulk.

It's kind of forces me into a cadence and a rhythm and a routine, which I think makes the recording process easier all the way across. Yeah. And I, I like the fact that it helps build the community, you know, and get people involved and listening to what people want. You know, that's, that's huge because now you can, you know, do what you want to do on the show.

use there's always questions [:

Like, you're like, oh, shoot, I shouldn't have said that. I'm going to pause that. We'll record again. Or, you know, that didn't sound the way I wanted to. Can we, can we rerecord that? There's sort of this focus on the recording process more than the content itself or the actual user. on the other end who's, who will be consuming and listening to it later.

ly good recording than it is [:

You know, there are people listening and watching, so you can't just stop and do it again, which I think is a little bit freeing. I think also, often when you've sort of done it, you sort of, you sort of watch it back or you look at some of it and you go It sounded so much better from an audience point of view than when you're actually doing it yourself, and I don't quite know why that is, but I often think that it's just, oh, yeah, that actually sounded like I like I wanted it to even if I was stumbling over a word or I'm not quite sure about what was going on.

Yeah, yeah, you know, we all, we all overthink it to death where, you know, we We want it to be the best possible, especially since we're spending time and it's, you know, it's important to us. It's a project that we really want to see succeed. And as a result, I think, I think that pause button and that rerecord gives us permission to just waste a lot of time where we, you know, it was good enough and we thought maybe it could be better.

, I just think forces you to [:

I think that's important thing as well. I think with, with live streaming, people are more forgiving, uh, with the content, with the mistakes, with, with things cause it's more dynamic, as you said, and spontaneous Recording stuff myself over and over and trying to get it right. You think, well, that first take was better, but maybe I can make it in and only you just, you go into this horrible circle of trying to, trying to get it right.

ot to start somewhere and it [:

So, so that's great. Um, I had a quick question about the, your, the flow of your A VHS club. You mentioned that you also do sort of a, a vertical recording as you've mentioned on the flow, uh, as well. I do. Maybe, um, just explain to the audience what you typically do. So is that the, is that the beginning of the show or the end of the show?

You typically do your sort of, um, vertical piece for a short or a repurposing or something like that. It varies and I'm, I am woefully behind on this. I'm going to give myself a pass though. I'm okay. I'm behind on this for my personal pet project. So it's not even, it doesn't even matter the same way as other things do.

ation they can talk about at [:

Um, and so, you know, I had been I had been initially using, uh, Descript and Opus Clip and a bunch of these amazing AI based tools to edit up our video and try to pull out, like, the best, most interesting thing that we had said. And it was taking a lot of time, like, and again, I'm a perfectionist, so for me it was, you know, I was dragging the video in and then I was grabbing the transcript and I was, like, cleaning up the transcript and trying to find, like, the best possible clip and being like, I don't know if that was it.

And we say facts kind of sporadically throughout the episode, you know, as they come up in conversation. So it wasn't really hitting what I wanted it to do. And it wasn't the length I wanted. And so I was like, Oh, well, I could just record these either before the episode or after. And then I can get them the exact, you know, way that I want them.

. Right before I jump on and [:

I have a scene that's kind of ready to go. I tend to just, like, reposition it a little bit. And then, um, I record it. And it's nice because Ecamm shows, like, how long you've been recording for as well. So I can be like, oh, that's a minute. Done. Sometimes I'm still bad and I record those, like, two or three times because I'm like, no, that wasn't what I wanted to say.

Or I went over a minute. Or, you know, see if I can get it lower, um, in length. You know, mess with it in one way or the other, but typically that's like, you know, max five minutes of recording time versus the two plus hours I was spending trying to find the perfect thing I said in the full episode. And then, yeah, and then I can upload it to YouTube.

up as a profile instead in, [:

What I do now is I have it, um, as a scene so that I have to go in and then change it to vertical. And then I'd have to just make a few adjustments to like the positioning of it, but it. And then I just, you know, change it back to wide when I'm ready to jump on and record the episode.

It's such a great tip. Yeah. It's so easy. It, I'm, it, it's dumb that I did not think of it earlier. I was like, well, this is the way I have to do it. I need to record the episode first and then I've got to, you know, grab the most genius thing that I said. And it was like, I don't actually, I could, I could just record this really quickly right now. I love those shorts. I learned a few things I had no idea, um, that you did. I was like, what? I didn't know that. So yeah, those are great. They're really great. Yeah. And they're easy. Like I would challenge it. If this is something that you want to do for your show, the, the format of that is what makes it easy.

I just researched, right? So [:

What do I say? You know, like the fact that it's the three facts. I have them written out. I'm ready to go. I'm like, okay, literally just say these three things. And then, so then it, it just becomes sort of second nature when I do them. I'm like, Hey, it's Katie. I'm from the VHS club. Here are three things you don't know about this movie.

And that's it. That's all I have to say every episode. I, you know, part of it is planning and thinking through What works best for your show and then part of it is just using the tools that you have to make it as easy and Seamless as possible guys. Guess what we're doing on our Thursday meeting What is easily repeatable every single time there's always something that's That's easy for you to do and replicate every time.

and things like that, they, [:

Next scene. And you can still, like, I still put, you know, episodes through Opus and grab like other awesome things. Great. That's more, you know, vertical video. But this one's just something I know I can do for every single movie. And some weeks, as I said, I've missed, I have to backtrack and go, but I can easily go back at any point.

Pull up my, you know, my sheet of facts for that movie and record it. I, I got to make sure that I'm wearing, like, if I want to bulk batch record, change my shirt every time or something. But yeah, I'm like, will they notice if I'm on the same shirt? But, uh, but yeah, it's, I think it's easy to do on a regular basis.

arning stuff here and making.[:

I'm learning everyone, I like, I'm picking up tips from what I, you know, what I see when I'm watching my favorite shows or listening, you know, listening to experts talk about what they do. So we're all learning from each other. Definitely. We have a few hellos. Uh, to you here. So we'll just, uh, so Vincent, Hey Vincent, how's it going?

And, uh, I'm not sure who this person is. I keep forgetting the name, but Yeah, we are, we're not the cool kids, but, but thanks for joining me . So for yourself. Well, well, we're the nerdy kids. We the nerdy kids. Exactly. We're the nerdy kids. Take it. Uh, we had a couple of more questions, uh, for you before, uh, before we let you go.

with your, with your family [:

And I know we hear a lot about burnouts and people start with good intentions to record things and get things off the ground and go live and do all that good stuff. Oh my gosh. How do you juggle it, Katie, because you've been doing this for a while now. So what's your secret? Secrets. I would love to tell you that I have a secret.

I surround myself with amazing people. I live in a village of awesome people way cooler than me. I am lucky enough to work for a company that is so insanely generous and flexible with time. So there's, you know, I'm never. I'm never in trouble if I'm, you know, making the decision to work from home for the day, or if I need the day off, or if I need to change my hours.

No one is, no one is yelling at me for that. So from, just from the get go, I have that level of flexibility, which is huge. I am married to an absolutely incredible partner who is like, every bit as good at juggling as I am. And it's always really generous with the fact that I'm like, Oh, I, I have a live stream that just popped up or I need to do this thing.

And he's like, got [:

I'm constantly over scheduling myself and them. So I, like I, part of it is just having, you know, people around you that are like, Hey, remember last Friday where you were like, wow, that was too much. You're doing it again. You're doing it again to yourself. You need to take a break or you need to, you know, you need to space these out better or you can't say yes to everything.

ut too much on and I have to [:

Don't do that again. But, um, but yeah, it's, it is, it's a juggling act in there. It's, I think a lot of it, a lot of my success has to do with the fact that I really love what I do and I'm surrounded by some really incredible people. So none of it feels, Like work and it all feels like fun and for me it's just a matter of trying not to say yes to every single thing that I want to do because then I, I literally I'm going from one thing to the next back to back and then I definitely do get tired or I feel like I'm not my best self when I have too many things kind of back to back but.

I don't think there's a magic bullet. I think it's hard. It's hard to try to juggle everything and, you know, figure out how to do it all. Well, I think we should thank you for that because it's come through for what we do. I mean, we took this on as a, as a passion project because we'd have been at greater camp, which came from all of you guys.

at have started to follow us [:

It's um, it really is a special group of people and. I'd say it's not just about the time, it's about how you're spending the time and the people you're spending with it. And I think that really kind of spills over into, into everybody that's involved in the company really. Yeah. And honestly, like, I, I will say the one thing that I have gotten better at, and I think that this is hard for a lot of people is it's, it's okay to.

to just be honest with where you're at. So, you know, for example, for the VHS club, there are some times where, you know, like either I've had a really long day or brutal day or I'm traveling or something's coming up or Nat has something coming up and we're like, Hey, we're not going to record tonight.

. And I feel like, you know, [:

Right? Like I, and I think that's like, that's real. Like in the back of my head, I was like, Oh, you know, like, you know, consistency matters. And, you know, showing up at the same time every single week matters. And it does, but it's also not the end of the world if you can't make it work. And whether that's your professional.

super important part of it or your, you know, or a passion project that's just for fun. I think being honest with, you know, with where you're at and what you can handle is fine. I think what matters most is being able to communicate that, you know, to, you know, to clients, to team members, to family, to friends and to your viewers and your listeners.

So I'm trying to get better at that instead of being like, I'm going to kill myself to be there at nine o'clock. I'm like, tonight might not work out and instead we'll be there tomorrow or, you know, or we're going to do, you know, we're just going to skip this week and be back again next week with even better content.


It's very easy in, in a corporate world to just be overwhelmed. I know doc doesn't like that, but it, but it does feel like it's too much work. Um, to deal with and to cope with. So, um, you know, I had a colleague that used to say, you have to be kind to ourselves. You can just say no to that particular commitment.

Or if you don't feel like it, then stop doing that. And the people that love you and want to join you week in, week out, um, will easily forgive you if there's a, if there's a glitch or a week off that you want to do or something that you, you can commit to, and those are the real people that will come back all the time.

nd we're, we're trying to do [:

Actually, Katie beautifully just.

It's just to have that good, healthy mindset and enjoy what you're doing. Find the joy in it. Because if you don't, it's, it's not fun, you know, so make it fun. I think it's partly, so I don't want to cut you off there. It was, it's the fact that The thing about the live streaming in the community is really important because it's like if you were meeting people for drinks or they're your friends and they're part of your life.

what, you know, this virtual [:

And I think having that same mindset, like I say, really does work. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It's, uh, it is really like freeing and I, I think it's. I don't know, even just the, the two podcasts that I'm doing now has been really great from just like a, again, like a learning perspective. So if you're, so one of the challenges that I really had that I'm getting, getting better at is sort of this follow through.

carry that through and learn [:

So I, if you're out there and you're like, uh, you know, I wish that I could learn how to use Ecamm better, or I wish I could learn how to use Opus better, or whatever all these different softwares are. Really, the best way to do it is to just force yourself into using it every single week and you're going to keep learning more and more tricks on how to do it and, you know, different features and different things just by doing it on a regular basis and practicing.

So you know, that was a huge game changer, as we like to say at eCamp. For me, it was like, Oh, well, if I want to know how to be better at video podcasting, I'm just going to have to do it. I'm just going to have to do it. And, you know, discover what those questions are and what I, and learn what I don't know, and push the buttons and try, try the things.

f trying to learn everything [:

Yeah. You know. Yeah. Yeah. So that's important. Mm hmm. A hundred percent. I was going to say the same thing. It's just, you know, just, just get the things out there and then you can learn it later and you've got such a great community to ask those difficult taxing questions about at a later stage. Perfect.

Yeah. Um, so we have your socials now. I got the last lot wrong before by, so hopefully I've got all your socials rights. This is where if you want to get in touch with Katie, if there's any mistakes, Katie, you can beat me up later. Oh, it's just, it's all a mistake. It looks great. It looks great. I'm just joking.

I've got somebody else's name up there. It's all gone horribly wrong. I'm just kidding. I'm. I'm. I'm pretty easy to find, actually, because I have a weird spelling of my last name. And Ecamm is obviously easy to find because it's a different, it's own word. So yeah, I'm not, I'm not hard to stalk. You can find me anywhere.

o as soon as any other great [:

So it's been a pleasure to have you on the show and you're very welcome to join and keep in, uh, the, the chat for a little bit. And, uh, we have a quiz coming up that you may want You may know something about top tip right there to see what that's about. But yeah, I think we don't have anything else for Katie right now.

easy. Thanks for joining us. [:

So we've got a few tips here. This is, this has gotten small again. Let me fix this. Doing it on the fly. And if you want to learn more about Ecamm, you can, uh, you can learn about what we're doing right now on the show. Uh, let's see how else we've got. Hey, hey, Darryl. So I didn't know your name, so thanks for saying who you are.

It's not always easy to know who people are. Thank you, Darryl. Marcus, we are back. And, um, and Darryl did say a good point, actually. You know, this Ecamm farm is by far the most incredible community of awesome people. And it is. And we're learning all the time from each other. And, you know, there's no wrong questions here.

. I see you there. Hey, Hey. [:

So if you're in the chat, you want to tell us what you're up to, where you are, share anything that you've been doing this week or whatever, do it because we want it to be about you. It's not, it's not just about us, is it? No, no, as much as we'd like it to be. It is all about you guys. And that's why we put this show together in the first place.

So yeah, anything that you want to share and we've got a lot of places. Oh, hey, Katie. Yes, it is Katie. Of course, of course. And there's lots of Obviously things that we can, uh, you can get involved with. And we'll tell you a little bit more about that in a minute. Uh, ladies rule and boys drool. All right.

We're going to ask you about that when you're on our show. You're making our questions easy, Dan. Exactly, Dan.

Oh, oh, brilliant. All [:

Why don't we do a quiz? Do the quiz, why not? Do the quiz. Why don't we, let's do, we'll do the quiz first and then we'll do the merch on the perch. So let's do, uh, let's get rid of that. Let's do a quiz. Um. But we have a couple of more comments. Let's just bring in a couple of quick comments and then we'll do.

We'll do that. So, uh, that was says me using for recording, getting ready to push myself live soon. Do it. And if you want to join us here on the show, just to test things out, to check things, whatever you want to do, you can come and join us. So no worries, you can do that. Let's, let's get on with the quiz.

ers. Simple, simple, simple. [:

And all you have to do in the comments is put the letter that corresponds to the right answer. And if you get the right answer, you will get nothing, but you will get at least a little bit of appreciation from us and do that. So shall we start with the first question? I think you are okay. Answer Yes, let's Let's do it.

First question. Let's do it. Let's do it. Who had the hit single? With everything I do, and I'm not gonna sing it, but. Everything is Justin Bieber, Michael Buble, C. Bryan Adams, or D. Shawn Mendes. All right. I don't even know who Shawn Mendes is, but he's Canadian. There was a theme. There was a theme. There was a plan.

I don't know. You can guess. [:

Oh, well. Oh. Whoa, wait a second. Wow. Whoa. The stakes have gotten higher, guys. Wow. Oh, everybody's like, oh, yeah, right. We'll give you a bit more time. This is exciting. The winners get the merch item of their choice. So I'm going to I'm saying, okay. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, I know. I wrote the question surprise. I might put the answer in myself.

We've got Marcus With a very [:

We've got this recorded. So we know who's the winner. So Marcus, you get and some e cam much of your choice. And also, Daryl, Brian Adams, you are right. No answering yourself. Exactly. From Robin Hood. Indeed. Robin Hood. So you are also a winner. So two people. Congratulations to Marcus. And to Darryl. So yeah, lots of eCommerce much coming your way.

ch actor actor debuted in the:

A. Alan Rickman. B. Will Atherton. C. Alex Goodenough, we think. D. Bonnie Bedeville. [00:51:00] Exactly, and And there was a lot of we think. Yes, we think. And Katie, thank you to you for this question because I watched this on one of your VHS clubs. So we're going to give people 35 minutes now to go and rewatch the VHS club episodes so they can get the right answer.

And we'll see you back in 30 minutes. Oh no, 30 seconds. So there you go. I'm going to ask, I'm going to ask the question, is it a Christmas movie? Oh, that's a point of contention on the VHS show. Lisa, you have opened up a can of worms there. No, we need to open worms. I like the way you left it till after Katie had finished chatting to us.

Exactly. And I didn't do, I didn't do the winners thing, did I? We can go, we've got two questions. We can do that. All right. So the answer's coming up right now. And we don't have anybody. Oh, okay. So we have one person saying, well, Atherton, we'll give you a couple of more. minutes, seconds to come in with us, have a guess.

a guess? Oh, Katie's already [:

Ha, no pun intended. Of, uh, the, uh, answer. Alright. Definitely a Christmas movie, at least our house. Great. Nice one, Daryl. So, I don't think anybody's got the answer right, and the answer was Whoa. Exactly. Hey, Alan Ripman, and we Mind blowing. We had no idea. We thought he was famous at that point. But maybe just because we've seen him in so much Neil!

ar too late. And also Wrong. [:

There you go. Of course, Katie, if they watched your show, they would have known, and that's the rules. Alright, last question coming up. What is the maximum number of guests you can have in Ecamm? Is it A, 4, B, 8, C, 10, D, 6? You have 30 seconds to answer, and you should know this, you Ecamm people, so Let's see what kind of answers you come up with because there could be a couple.

Oh dear. Yes, you did miss Katie's episode there and that's a shame and I must fix these comments. So there you go. It all comes in. All right. So What are you saying there, Dan? I'm listening, not looking, didn't even see. Oh, Daniel Cheese come in with C. Oh, Daniel. Are you allowed to come in and answer? But thank you for joining us.

, everyone's, everyone wants [:

There you go. It's C, 10. Now, on an older Mac, and Daniel wins, obviously, something, uh, Katie, you would have to see whether Daniel does qualify for some e cam merch. So, Daniel, you are, you get it anyway. You are a winner, clearly. You're on the list, that's the thing. You're on the winner's board. Absolutely, you're on the winner's board.

Uh, Marcus has a good point. Um, A. On all the mics. So Marcus is also a winner because he knows his stuff. So Katie, does that mean he gets two pieces of merch? I'll let, I'll let you guys fight that out between just the biggest shirt. Yeah, chicken dinner. Exactly. Well done, Daniel. You get any merch that you want.


Should we try it out? Yeah. Should we do it? What, now? Not, not now, but well, I don't think you're starting to do it. No, no, exactly. If everyone in the chat suddenly wanted to join, we could get in and test them out. Maybe in another week, we'll do that. Exactly. Try and get everyone in. Yeah, that'd be interesting.

sure he gets on that plane. [:

So our Merch on the Perch, um, feature ad is where you guys can send in your e comm merch. Like this. Lisa's got something somewhere else. But basically, if you can say you can send a picture of your merch into us, then we will feature it on the show. Now, nobody's actually sent anything in yet. So you guys, you guys, sorry, Marcus is Chuck.

Maybe Chuckle here. 10 guests would be chaos unless you are masterful hosts. What are you trying to say? Um, Marcus, is this not good enough? Is this is not as good as it gets. Is this what you're saying? So I'll be, I'll be back to hosting next time. We'll be absolutely fine. Yeah. Disappointing. Disappointing.

een told. We have been told. [:

You can't shut me up. Too many ideas floating around. We'll live stream the next Thursday meeting. You decide. Yeah we should because it's quite funny. So Merch on the Perch, this is where you can send in your pictures of your merch and we will feature it and today's first merch on the perch is Mark.

Where are you? That's in my local park. Are you on a swing? Yeah, yeah. You can have loads of people there. And you can just ride it. Swing away. That scares me. Isn't this for children? Not that day. Clearly, you kicked them all off. I need to photograph people. Well, I told my daughter. She took it. I said, it's all content.

an actually said that he was [:

I don't know, but it is looking good. If you, if you saw how I had, uh, pieced this together, 'cause I'm not in, at my house in la there's like. It's clothespins and paperclips, now I'm kidding. Thank you. I appreciate that. Katie, you have wonderful, lots of merch on the perch to send. Yes, you do. So just take pictures.

Just do it. We love merch on the perch. And if Daniel is here patrolling the Facebook page, it's all right. Yeah. Who is? I don't know. It's, it's chaos, Dan, over at the Facebook side at the moment. It's complete chaos. Yeah. Anyway. Yes. Lisa's image. Sorry, second image. Coming up. This is yours, Lisa. This is your, uh, picture today.

. On mute. Looking good. And [:

I think, uh, is the link to get your merch and I dunno if the disco is still going, Katie, so I'm not gonna say if it's, I think it's or not. I think it's all right. Nice one. Okay. And, uh, Daniel, again, is loving, like, if this is a temporary location, Lisa, you need to stay there, and you do. Daniel, I'm actually moving from here.

remember. You're asking me? [:

No, I'm kidding. Yeah, we do. It is the creative showcase. We have a run of show. Oh, right. We do have a run of show. Gotta have a run of show. So thank you, Katie. So Ecammfam still gets you a discount. And Katie, unfortunately, I have to talk to you about my recent merch purchase, but we'll take that offline.

But that's all good. It's not bad. All right, let's go to creator showcase. And we are showcasing three people. So this is where we take three members of the Ecamm fam. Um, whether they've been to Creator Camp or not, it doesn't matter, um, it's basically you guys, uh, that we want to showcase and just give people an idea about what you do and where to find you, and I'll briefly go through these from left to right.

to do anything outside. He's [:

So head over to streamprofiles. selfie. store. I can never say that. Selfie. store. Where you can get some cool Ecamm pre canned. Overlays and profiles ready to get you up and running. If you just want to set yourself up and then we've got David and David is an accomplice to piano player and his mission is to help people see how profoundly music can change the human experience.

And he's basically got a YouTube channel that he plays some wonderful chill out tunes that you can just listen to and start your day off well. And you basically goes live several times per week. And then we've got Tatiana who's helping adjunct professors create dynamic college classrooms, both online in person.

hers. So creative amplifies. [:

They're all winners, right? There you go. That works. That works, I think. We have a few more comments coming in. Keep the comments coming. We, we love this. I'm going to go through this comment because it just made me laugh. If you don't run this, Marcus, at the very bottom, if you don't run the show, the show will run you.

That's good advice, Marcus. Absolutely. How much do you charge for training, Marcus? Because we could do with some. Dan, I don't think that gold mug is that small. I've got mine as well. I mean, it's not as big as that sort of, what is it? 85 ounce coffee mug that has been dotted around. But it depends how much you like coffee.

can find my right button, I [:

Um, how you can get involved. Well, you can be a guest. Send us your merch on the perch. Tell us about your show. Um, you can go to the link tree creative amplifier. So if you just scan that QR code, it will take you, uh, to a banking site where you can deposit as much money as you like. No, actually just takes us straight to the link tree and you can just send in.

We also have an email address as well. I think we're all here. Nominate or be a guest on our show. You can nominate somebody else, people that you don't like. Just nominate them. We don't mind. Just send them over to us and we'll have them on the show. You can get in touch with us at Creative Amplifiers and speaking of, yes, I'm sorry, go ahead.

stic. It's just in our name. [:

We're trying to do a live show at my house. Absolutely. That's the next one. We're going to plan that. We'll definitely do something. And speaking of wonderful next guests, next guest on our show is Dan. Dan is in the audience today and Dan will be with us in two weeks time. And we have some interesting questions for you, Dan, especially for some of these comments you've been making.

So we've got a long list of stuff that we will do today. Um, wow. Is that, is that almost the show wrapped up, Lisa? I think that's the run of show. According to my little iPad here, we've done it all. Wow. Yeah. Really in record time, actually not record in record time. Record time nearly with a glitch in the middle as well.

it. Uh, but otherwise it was [:

That's the most important thing where you can just click straight through to our email or Instagram and then you can send us all your merch on your perch and just yeah, keep the conversation going in between now and our next live stream. Exactly. And just so you know where to get in touch with us. This is where we are.

Absolutely. And thank you everybody for joining today. It's been a blast. It's been a pleasure having Mark. Thank you so much for you. It's been a great hospitality for the last few days. And thank you. You've got a lot to do. It's been fun watching you guys on Instagram, having so much fun without me. Thank you.

Wow. We feel so bad. And we do appreciate Lisa that you did the run of show and everything for us today and kept this show on point, particularly when you're faced with a potential flood out there. So fun, fun, fun. Thanks a lot for everybody. And we will, uh, well, we'll put in one last comment if the comments will come up here.

Thank you so [:

Katie, thank you so much for sticking with us till the bitter end and we appreciate you being on the show today. See you soon. Bye. Bye. Bye. See you guys. Bye.

Show artwork for Creative Amplifiers

About the Podcast

Creative Amplifiers
Sharing the ultimate biweekly live stream party with Mark, Lisa and Neil! It's super laid-back, and they're all about bringing creative minds together for an hour of amplifying the Ecamm Fam's talents! 🎉🎨🚀
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